장갑 다람쥐 인형 만들기
출처 : http://www.boredpanda.com/diy-glove-into-chipmunk/
우연히 해외 사이트를 돌아다니다가 귀여운 다람쥐 인형 만들기 DIY가 있어서 블로깅 합니다.
예전엔 잠깐 취미로 테디베어를 만들기도 했었는데 천연 소재의 패브릭들은 꽤 가격이 나갑니다.
저렴하게 재활용품을 활용하여 이런 인형들도 만들 수 있다니 ~ 여러 동물모양으로 응용해서 만들어 보고 싶은 인형입니다.
While gloves and socks are made to be forever together, often they choose to divorce and spend their lives in a solitude.
Of course, we have to respect their decision, but it’s hard to look at them being all lonely, laying somewhere in the backs of a drawers.
Luckily, crafter and author Miyako Kanamori has a wonderful solution! With some plastic surgery you can turn your old and lonely glove into an ever happy chipmunk!
In her book, Happy Gloves: Charming Softy Friends Made from Colorful Gloves, Kanamori also gives complete instructions on how to make a frog, duck, flower, car, donkey, tiger, and more!
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