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Pencil vs Camera Pictures_Ben Heine
출처: http://www.toptenzpictures.com/pencil-vs-camera-pictures/
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요렇게 그렸어도 이뻤을 것 같은.. 담에 사진 찍어서 그려봐야겠어요.
X-ray of Horse Skelecton
Mickey Mouse and Shamu?
Crazy Balloon Fish Creature on a String
Tetris vs. Building: Tetris Wins
Behind the Camera
An Old Woman Makes a Statement...Over and Over
Crow Delivers a Key To Woman
Monster Fish is Finally Caught by Surprised Fisherman
Knowledge is For All
Mermaid Looks Upon the Ships and Swimmers
Imagination Runs Wild on Paper
Portrait of Girl with Thoughts of Children
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